How Did You Handle Challenges – Job Interview Question

Tips To Answer Job Interview Question: How Did You Handle Challenges?
‘How did you handle challenges’? This is a very tricky and interesting question in most of the interviews. You might have frequently come across this question but failed to answer this and satisfy your interviewer.
Well, to make a note: There are multiple ways to answer this question based on company preferences. Few companies may prefer employees who handle challenges based on the measure, methods and planned approaching nature.
Other organizations might prefer employees who strive hard to achieve the challenge and some others choose candidates who dive in and take up challenges without thinking bigger picture.
To answer this type of question, you need to be good at communicating your problem solving and critical thinking abilities. Of course, this involves your aptitude for succeeding under stress.
Tips to Answer Job Interview Questions About Challenges:
Recall your challenge which was a success:
Think, think and think. Try to recollect your success over a bigger challenge in your professional life. Don’t discuss any arbitrary or annoying occurrence. Describe how you met the challenge and resulted in success. Try to discuss challenges which may be relevant to the position you’re applying to.
Explain your challenge:
Don’t just say what had happened and what you did. But, explain the challenge briefly as your employer may like to select candidates who are good at learning new things and implementing them. Explain your thoughts, process and problems you faced while handling the challenge. Employers will always make a note of ‘what and how you did contribute to solving and achieving the challenge.’
Emphasize the outcome
Think, if you can turn challenges into opportunities to both yourself and the company? That sounds great, right. Companies want to hire candidates who can create opportunities for challenges. It is always the ways you emphasize about how you met the challenge successfully in difficult times too. However, there will be many obstacles in real life while handling challenges. So, explain every step and express yourself to the hirer.