How To Handle A Cup Of Coffee In An Informal Meetings

How To Handle Coffee Over An Informal Interview
Nowadays, a cup of coffee has replaced first-round interviews for some employers. However this has become an informal way of interview.
Recruiters host such informal interviews to know how potential is the employee on a more casual basis. This will tell them if you are good for the company. Though it’s just a cup of coffee, you need to prepare for this as this might be the stepping stone to a new job.
Now the question is what would be the best way to handle a cup of coffee from a hiring manager? What should you wear? What do you need to bring? Who pays? What’s the next step if the meeting is going well? These are the questions for which you might be tensed about. Don’t worry. Here are some tips to handle a coffee on informal interviews.
Do Some Research
Do research about the company, its mission, services, recent achievements and any latest works of it. This will help you to have an interesting and engaging conversation with the recruiter while this can add value to your career as well the company.
Ask Questions
These informal interviews will help the employees to ask more questions which will give a good way to grab the opportunities. Ask many questions about potential job openings, information about the company and even, try to ask some career pieces of advice.
These questions will answer all your future doubts regarding the company. Knowing about the job roles, types of positions, company projects etc can make you work happily at the organization.
What to Wear
Try to be casual. Wear business casual wear which is appropriate for these informal meetings. There is no need for wearing formal business attire. So, think about the meetings before you purchase a new suit.
What to Bring
It is good to carry several copies of resumes and your business cards if you do have them. Also, try to bring a list of references. It’s good to carry a pen and pad of paper to write on If you do want to make some notes.
If you’re ahead at the place, it is good if you either wait for them to order or order and grab a drink for yourself. And don’t worry about the bill, your interviewer will take care of paying as he has taken out you for a coffee.
Make sure that you do not order any food as this will just distract the hiring manager and you from conversing about the interview.
At the end
The next and last step in such informal meetings with interviewers is exchanging contact information. This will expand your network. You can thank them for taking time to speak with you by a text or a call. This will keep you in the interviewer’s mind.
If you do not like the job position or the company, it is always a good idea to send a quick thank you email or note and connect on social media networks. This will lead to any other opportunities.