Mobile Pentesting


Key Highlights

  •  Android Pentest Lab Setup (Android Studio, Genymotion)
  • Basics of Android Studio
  • Important functions and Libraries
  • Reverse Engineering: (apk, ipa)
  • Understanding Apk resources (Manifest.xml, resources, strings.xml etc)
  • Introduction to issues like backup, debuggeable, Network, exported
  • activities, f f f S Services, Broadcast receiver, URL Schemes and many more
  • Working with interesting issues like Insecure data Storage, shared
  • preferences, broken TLS, broken Cryptography, code obfuscation,
  • firebase APIs and Tap jacking.
  • Logging
  • Data Leakage
  • Traffic Interception based scenarios
  • SQLite DBs
  • Exploiting exported Activities, services and broadcast receivers
  • Content Providers exploitation
  • Exploiting Deep links
  • Network Based Attacks
  • Crypto APIs
  • Insufficient Transport Layer Protection
  • Android WebView based attacks
  • Introduction to frameworks (Frida, Objection, XPosed)
  • Application Hooking in Java
  • Root Detection Bypass and prevention
  • SSL Unpinning
  • Hooking in Python
  • Automated Static Code Scanners
  • QARK
  • Frameworks

What you'll learn

1.Reports and Analytics Code
2.Key Business supplies and Key presentation Indicators
3.Custom Traffic Variables, Traffic Features and Functions
4.Custom adaptation Variables, Conversion Features and Functions
5.Information Tools
6.Approval and Troubleshooting

Course Duration

Course Name
Course Duration
Adobe Analytics
40 hrs
Adobe Analytics
Adobe Analytics
Training & Workshop